How to Choose the Auctioneer CE Course


A career in auctioneering may not be a common path, but that doesn’t mean it’s not rewarding. For the few who choose this profession, there are numerous amazing opportunities to explore, especially if you are in a state or region where auctioneering has a lot of potential.

In this article, you will learn more about auctioneering as a profession as well as why and how you should choose a good continuing education course to help you succeed in your career.

To Begin With, What’s the Auctioneer Licence?

An auctioneer license is a permit that anyone performing the duties of an auctioneer in a specific jurisdiction must get from the state’s licensing board. It’s crucial to acquire this license in the states where it’s mandatory since you need to prove you are operating within the stipulated legal boundaries and sticking to the rules guiding certain actions.

In the states where an auctioneer license is required, you will also have to renew your license frequently and take a continuing education(CE) course in the process. The CE course aims to help you refresh and update your knowledge and skills. While most auctioneers hate this part, you can make it easier by choosing a well-prepared Auctioneer Continuing Education Online course from a top provider like RocketCert. This provider, for instance, has fully narrated courses that are not only easier to take but also make studying fun.

Tips for Selecting the Right Auctioneer CE Course

As mentioned earlier, not every auctioneer will love the process of continuing their education. However, that shouldn’t be the case, which is why you should leverage the following tips to help you select the right auctioneer CE course:

1. Check Accreditation and State Approval

Avoid purchasing any continuing education course you can find online since not all providers will prepare their courses according to the state’s guidelines. A good course should be accredited and recognized by your state’s licensing board.


In contrast, unapproved courses will often miss certain requirements, and so taking such a course will more than likely result in non-compliance with renewal requirements. Always choose a state-approved course since these are also updated frequently to meet ever-changing demands and regulations.

2. Evaluate the Delivery Format

Before settling for an offer, be sure to assess the course’s delivery format since each format has different benefits. Online courses, for example, are perfect for maximum flexibility and convenience. With these, you can learn at your own pace, starting, pausing, and resuming your lessons as you wish.

In-person classes, on the other hand, are ideal if you prefer a one-on-one interaction with your peers and tutors. This gives you hands-on experience and a chance to network that online courses won’t offer. You can even choose hybrid classes that combine the best of both worlds if your provider offers that.

So be sure to assess your needs and choose the right delivery format.

3. Peer Feedbacks and Testimonials

Even if a course provider promises the best results or offers fantastic deals such as no-pass guarantees, you still want to verify for yourself that they not only provide high-quality courses but also stick to their promises. The most appropriate way to do this is to check course reviews on different platforms.


Try to concentrate more on the reviews that mention crucial matters like the course’s relevance and effectiveness. In addition to checking review platforms like Google Reviews, you can also get more information about the course on online forums and professional networks.

4. Evaluate the Instructor’s Expertise

You may think that choosing a state-accredited course is everything you have to do since this guarantees you take the right topics as expected by your state’s licensing board. Have you, however, thought about the differences in learning experiences and information delivery?

Some courses will be easier to understand and even more informative as a result of being prepared by highly experienced tutors. It’s, therefore, advisable to research the instructor’s expertise and the successes they’ve had in this field. This will give you an idea of what to expect in terms of insights and practical knowledge.

Succeed With RocketCert

Choosing the right auctioneer CE course is a pivotal step in your professional growth. The 4 tips mentioned in this article may not seem like a lot, but they will certainly go a long way. So, if you’re looking for the best CE course you can find, be sure to keep them in mind.

As you do that, visit to see if they have an auctioneer’s continuing education course crafted uniquely for professionals in your state. Since this is one of the top professional licensing education providers in the United States, you can rest assured they will tick all the boxes.